How to find your passion? | gyanmotivationalbook

How to find your passion?

 Are you someone who has often struggled with the question - 'What am I good at?' Or rather, 'Am I good at anything!'; Then this blogpost on 'How to Find Your Passion' is for you. And if you're one of those lucky souls who always knew what to do with their lives, I'm sure you know a lot of people who are still struggling. Pass it on to them.

In this post, I'm going to break down the process of identifying your passion, finding something you're very good at, step by step. I know passion is a matter of the heart but I am going to tackle it scientifically. Because, we all want arguments at the end of the day. This is a bit long post because one is unlikely to find their passion through FB type posts. Read this deeply and I commit you to something big for yourself.

Over the years, I've met a lot of nerds and cribbers—people who are doing well in their jobs, careers but still very tired and empty. They do not have the courage to change the present circumstances. Because, one cannot be free until he/she ends the addiction to money/power.

Then I also met this IITian who is now a mountaineer and a travel blogger. Met an orthopedic doctor who is now a renowned wedding photographer, my best friends- formerly a top CEO now a Kriya Yogi, a housewife who started professional skiing at the age of 50, an IPS officer who studied astrology He had sought retirement at the age of 45. CA who became a very famous Wealth Manager PMS specialist after 15 years of normal, boring practice (I saw his interview on CNBC the other day). Money/power is important to these people but they didn't want to spend their whole life working for them.

Passion and Career Blog

(Image courtesy: Anina O)

See - There is no age or time to find your passion. Stan Lee, the creator of the amazing Marvel Universe and one of the best comic book writers to walk on Earth (RIP), may find his passion at 43 years old, I'm sure it's not too late for many of us. you don't believe me? go google! He began to portray the X-Men and Spider-Man by the age of 43. mature ageI

My point is that before I start decoding one of the biggest mysteries of my life, 'how to find your passion', I want you guys to understand that there is no time limit here. So put your FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) aside. This constant need to run an imaginary race (making up billers and paying them) is probably stressing you out more than your own delusions about your passion. It doesn't matter if you're taking longer. There is no real time limit here. Your time cannot be God's time. its betterI

There are ample examples of people who found their true calling later in their lives, or found success after years of struggle. For example, the character of Professor Snape, the infamous potion master from the world of Potter, came much later in Alan Rickman's life. In fact, he made his Hollywood debut at the age of 46 with Die Hard! Look closer to home. Boman Irani, the famous virus of 3 Idiots, did not start his mainstream Bollywood career till the age of 44. People in their 40s - redemption is near!I

If you feel that your struggle to get what you are good at has turned into hell, then here is an idea –

"If you are going through hell, keep going." I have my own addition to this - don't you want to be stuck in Hell? The best thing is to get out! So, keep going. Illusion is the beginning of clarity. If you are confused, tired and bored today - this is a great situation. Anyone who has achieved anything has ever gone through the path of illusion. But then he kept going, looking for answers and gathering the courage to apply those answers.

So here's breaking down your search for your hidden talent, your passion, or what you're good at. A word of caution though - I can only help with the direction, the process. It is subjective in nature and how you interpret, analyze, interpret and use it is entirely up to you. I am trying to light a lamp here. Its brightness and the quality of the light will vary according to the sum total of your life so far.

1. Music vs. Instrumental

You must understand this very important concept.

The first step to identifying your passion would be to know 'what is not your passion'. Elimination makes it easier Like I always knew working could never be my passion.

believe me; Becoming a motivational speaker was also not the first choice of my career. This   was the seventh career I was trying. From wanting to become an Air Force officer (because I believed then that women love men in uniform) to a spiritual interest in studying fashion to attempting MBBS entrance exam (since everyone in the family was doctors) There have been many other more diverse careers than relationships in my life—to run a discotheque.

how to choose a career

(Image courtesy: Ali Express)

In the 90s, I thought I was creative and wrote NIFT Entrance. I joined NIFT, Delhi to study PG Fashion as I cleared the exam (no other reason or passion). To use the common phrase, 'I sucked at it'! I had zero thought and affinity for designing or sewing clothes. Zilch. Nada  however, it was the experience of a lifetime. I have talked about this in brief  .

Then I started a discotheque called 'Excite' in my hometown, McLeodganj, Dharamsala. I still don't know what I was thinking. Maybe I'm taking my creativity down the wrong path again. That's what music and instruments are about. Creativity was and is my music. 

What I am saying here is - you will be attracted to a lot of things, which will make you feel that you are good. For example, a creative person skilled in the arts may feel an affinity towards various outlets such as painting, digital art, design, graphics, illustration, teaching art, selling art, artist management, etc. All this may not be his passion. This understanding of MUSIC and INSTRUMENT will come in handy when you have options to eliminate or vet.

2. So, which is your favorite music?

I have met many people who at some point or other felt that they were really average. There is no better option in their life. They think their education is mediocre, their college is stupid, their parents don't understand them, their friends are worthless, their relatives are a torturer, and even their Ola-Share co-passengers are ever cute. are not.

If you are one of this tribe, I am going to say this before you - the fault is somewhere in you, not in your stars. When music was being played around you, you were probably bogged down in matters that didn't matter, or your cell phone. Millennials please!

Anyway, how to solve this now? Here is something I suggest you try -

Make a list of everything that interests you, that you have enjoyed doing over the years. It can be anything – reading, writing, art, studying, performing, speaking, cooking, traveling, creating new things, helping others… basically, whatever comes to your mind.

- Dig really deep too. For example if you liked any of your school or under-grad or your PG, which subject did you like, which aspects of study attracted you more, what did you feel while going deeper into that subject etc. For example English was still my favorite subject in my school days.

- If you are one of those people who absolutely hated college and disliked everything you did in those 3-4 years, then whatever you think you are even remotely good or outwardly Make a list of college enthusiasts. As Ayn Rand wrote in The Fountainhead – 'The real education begins beyond the four walls of the college'. During my NIFT years, I hated subjects but loved meeting and seeing new people, their lives, their issues, affairs, feelings and break-ups. So, not fashion but I became a better student of life and better living. Even after 3-4 years of passing out from NIFT, I was doing some strange things and learning. Today, at my events- I'm able to connect some of those points.

This list that you make is your compendium. That's how we're going to find out what you're passionate about! Feels good so far?

Before we move on in our search, I would like you to do a process of elimination here. If you want to quickly cross anything off the list, just do so.

3. Some Good Old Research

It's not easy. But let's be patient.

Now that you have a list, find out everything you need to know about building a career in those shortlisted fields. Get your ass off your pity couch and do some hard research. Find out the different career options they each offer, the opportunity to make money in those fields (even if it's not your priority), the skills needed to be successful in those fields, any other requirements, whatever you may be doing. can. And please don't trust google blindly. It ranks anyone because he did better SEO for its webpage. go away Talk to people in those places who are doing those things.

Give me all the information in your heart. The mind will give you the correct answer. This research and knowledge is important as it will be the cornerstone of your path ahead.

Definitely research the monetary aspects of your favorite things as money can be casual but you still have to pay the bills! Also, if money was never a concern and only passion, most engineering boys who liked to look at the blue stuff would end up getting rich by being locked in their bathrooms. Only those who earn money from porn business are good, businessmenI

Family Trap:-  I read a lot of emails from people about incapable parents or spouse. Answer it for me - why should they be so easily convinced of your dream if you haven't given them a reason to do so? Why would anyone believe in you unless you show genuine faith, knowledge, talent, some good results! Your direction and a sense of confidence in your path will convince others.

More importantly - why would you want them to believe in you?

Let their distrust fuel you further, egg you on to find some good results, test your theories in the market. You should be grateful for your distrust of your parents/spouse. He is your great well-wisher. No one wants you to succeed in life as badly as they do. If it takes a little effort to show them some results before you bless them, because they just want to make sure you're strong and skilled and strong enough to do so - I think that's fair enough .

4. Match the following!

Now that you're armed with the knowledge in your arsenal, you do some good old rankings.

I told you it was going to be a boring process! Rank the options on the list according to what appeals to you the most. Your research may change the way you look at some options, and that's okay. That was the whole idea behind it.

You then match those required skills with the knowledge you have. Research is a great way to find GAPS. Use this research to find the gap between where you are now and where you want to go. Ask yourself this question-

- What skills do you lack that can get you there?
- Can you grow them yourself or do you need training?
- Can someone else give you that skill? (Other people's talent and time)
- Where would such people be found?

These are very important questions! Do not pat them lightly or let the wind pass through them. MATCHING YOUR CURRENT AUKAAT WITH YOUR FUTURE TALENT IS IMPORTANT TO ANSWER "HOW TO FIND YOUR PASSION AND HOW TO MAKE A SUPER CAREER OUT OF IT". And if all this seems like too much work, let me remind you that if you want to be a genius in life in any passion, you must know that -

Talent is 1% inspiration. And 99% sweat. (cliche but true to the original)

Even people who know what they want to do with their lives - their work doesn't cut it. They have to plan and then sweat equally to get there. As Warren Buffet so beautifully said-

'A fool with a plan can beat a genius without a plan'  .

For example realizing that I  wanted to be  a motivesen speaker was not enough. I dreamed big. While my communication skills were never a problem, I didn't know much about business, entrepreneurship, marketing, technology, etc. Why would I need any of these skills, one might ask. Let me break it down for you -

I dreamed big so my reach should be big. In the Internet age, my research told me  long ago  told  was  I who need a website, a blog and a huge social media to tell you who I am and do what I do. I needed to create content around my area of ​​expertise and I needed to 'sell' it to potential clients (for lack of a better word), I needed to write consistently, market myself, build a brand, all. Had to be fit to endure. Keep reading to stay updated, travel, and look great while doing it allI

Trust me - it takes a village. This is not a one person job. Thankfully, as I identified the set of skills I needed, and began taking steps to acquire them, life sent me friends who were equipped with these skills and were always there to help me. As long as I was confident, I got help every time I needed it!

you will also. just keep going. Remember this- 'You put your force right to your goal and the right people will automatically be attracted to help you in your life. It's like a wonderful, written rule somewhere. Try and watch.

5. Testing the Waters in the Market

I know that even after all this, many of you might still be confused as to which one to choose from the list. So here's the last trick in my arsenal.

First a very  strong warning:-  Beware of the passion trap. What exactly is a passion trap? Just because you think you're good at something doesn't mean you'll be really good at that thing  . It could just be your wrong feeling as if I met this brilliant man last year who was eager to quit his high paying investment banking job for his love of photography. And when I saw his work- he was far below average. So, who answers whether your passion is a figment of your imagination or a really sharp skill that can be turned into something huge? Answer- The market will give you the right answer, no one else will.

Let's get back to our list again. Your choices are ranked according to your preferences and preferences. Now rank them according to your ability. We tried to match the passion with the current skill level. Now take a look at those drawbacks and test it in the market.

By this I mean - among your options, if you've managed to find something you like, you test it out in the real world.

Observe whether the market is rewarding you with money or fame for your skills. I understand it may take some time but it is ok. Invest in this process now if you don't want bad returns later. The risk is greater either way.

I want you not to do this when you test your talent in the market - trust the word of your friends and family. They won't always know the technicalities of your work, or they will be very kind in their opinion. If you've ever needed honest feedback in your life - it is now. Actively seek out people who are good in the field, people who have been rewarded by the market, and generally know what they are talking about.

For example just being good at English or communication is not enough to become a motivational speaker. Being able to cheer up your grieving family member doesn't mean you can also inspire a room or auditorium full of unknown people. Test it in the market. Spend some time developing your skills and building your network and see if the market rewards you with money and more work. If it does, then there may be a chance after all. At least, that's what I did. I didn't take Auntie's word from my mom's kitty parties that I was funny and good at words. I've tested it over and over again over the years and strengthened it with training and hard work.

Knowing your passion is one thing. It is another thing to be extraordinary in this. The first is just a step, the first step. No one can underestimate the importance of the 999 steps to honing your craft that comes after realizing your passion or identifying your craft. It was only after taking 1000+ events over the past 18+ years, that I realized- 'how to organize a really real, good event'.

Here is another cautionary advice -

While writing this, I am reminded of Ranbir Kapoor-Deepika Padukone starrer 'Tamasha'. This is one of Imtiaz Ali's finest works, and one of my all-time favorite works. An extremely low rated film among many overrated films. A Ved cannot undertake this journey alone, especially when he has given up on his dreams. The process of following one's passion can often be difficult, demanding, and confusing.

In times like these, if you need a star in your life, you don't necessarily get no one to kiss you but someone who believes in you when you do. Tara can be your mentor who has seen your field of passion more closely than you. Your star could also be the pot-bellied, bald Uncle type guy and not necessarily someone with a short skirt :). Being a mentor friend (who is already successful in your chosen domain super help). You'll need the skill to not only guide you to help, but to convince him to keep doing the same for a long period of time. I'm currently doing the same thing with some 5 people (House Full I ).

I mean – you are not alone in this journey, in this quest. If you find it difficult, no problem. There will always be someone who believes in you. If you can find your star, great! If not, try to be yourself as much as you can.

I know a lot of people give unsolicited advice, "do what you love", "one life!  Don't waste it living someone else's life", and other blah things. I am guilty of this too. This post was an attempt to show you the hard work that eventually becomes the one you love. Clarity will never come to you. You yourself will need to shake your ass and go at it. It's about making some clear, committed decisions and then having the patience to see them through.

Hope this post really helps you to find out the directions in which you want to proceed.

As Albert Einstein said-  "I have no special talent.  I am curious only to the extent of passion." Einstein's passion was curiosity. not science. what is yours

Come on man! It will take some wrong decisions and then make further modifications to reach that place. And trust me, that place is that place. Everything else is parking. one life!

lots of love

About rameshthakor

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